This problem came to my attention whilst I was reading over a previous piece that has since been gathering cobwebs and other aging... Well, I tried dusting it off and reading over what I had already written and slowly it dawned on me that certain sentences and even paragraphs where I had been repeating myself over and over again... This once fairly mediocre writing (which is good for me) had quickly come down from a few pages to a few paragraphs- if that...
Well, I suddenly found myself trying to search out the difficulty I was having, and thereby, be on my way to finding some kind of solution...
This is what I have concluded-
The Problem? (probably among many) - Vocabulary...
The Solution? - ?Unknown?
So this is, once again, where I turn my inquiries to the gallery... My audience... So if you please, some constructive suggestions are in order... I need to build on my vocabulary, and quickly if I'm going to be hopeful to attempt to get anywhere...