Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Sticky Situation Of Trying To Write Again. . .

Well, you loyal apostles out there, as you have probably deciphered from this posts title- I have tried to get back into writing again and already found certain down-falls to actually writing...

This problem came to my attention whilst I was reading over a previous piece that has since been gathering cobwebs and other aging... Well, I tried dusting it off and reading over what I had already written and slowly it dawned on me that certain sentences and even paragraphs where I had been repeating myself over and over again... This once fairly mediocre writing (which is good for me) had quickly come down from a few pages to a few paragraphs- if that...

Well, I suddenly found myself trying to search out the difficulty I was having, and thereby, be on my way to finding some kind of solution...

This is what I have concluded-

The Problem? (probably among many) - Vocabulary...

The Solution? - ?Unknown?

So this is, once again, where I turn my inquiries to the gallery... My audience... So if you please, some constructive suggestions are in order... I need to build on my vocabulary, and quickly if I'm going to be hopeful to attempt to get anywhere...




Phinux said...

well, there's only one solution- READ. read as much as you possibly can. newspapers, poetry (ESPECIALLY poetry), classic literature, whatever. Just see what other people are doing and absorb it.

shadow MERGENCE said...

Well, I'd like to think reading would be a quick and easy solution... but unfortunately, especially for me, it's neither quick nor easy...

I was never a good reader, hell I'm still not... therefore, when I do read, it takes me an exceptionally long time to read... I think it's because I may be partially dyslexic(sp?)... or rather, I think I may be...

I'm very, very, VERY particular about what I do read... So far, I've only read about 5-10 books by choice cover to cover... and a couple of those were probably a group of short stories by one author...

I guess I'm really just looking for a quick fix... I don't mind if it just ends up being a temporary band-aid, in reality that may actually work better, because I'll hopefully be able to read more once I'm finished my program...

But you're right, I should read as much as I can... it just seems like, right now, that's not going to be good enough...

Tara The Terrible!! said...

Unfortunatly, reading is your only real solution. I mean there have been other suggested methods of increasing your vocabulary, and you could buy them for $39.99 plus shipping and handling, but there has been little evidence of their success.

Michelle said...

Gotta back up Meg and Tara--reading's really the only option. Either that or start playing scrabble with my family, since my relatives like using obscure words. That's pretty much all I can think of.